Monday, March 12, 2012

Fall 2010

We started out the fall festivities by going to Kingsway Pumpkin Farm in Hartville. We picked pumpkins in the patch, visited the goats, bunnies, ducks and pigs and Evan rode a kiddie train and crawled through a hay bail maze they had set up in the barn. All the kids enjoyed petting the animals, and since it was unseasonably warm that day we decided to venture through the corn maze. We also went to Boettler Park for the haunted hayride this year. We were one of the first families there so we were able to ride right when they started. It was actually a lot of fun... just the right amount of spookiness to get you in the mood but not too scary for the little kids.

For Halloween, Evan was a train engineer, complete with Osh Kosh B'Gosh striped overalls and hat and a red handkerchief tied around his neck. It was his second time trick-or-treating and he had fun but it was cold! His cousins Ian and Samantha joined us around the neighborhood while Mom and Dad handed out candy at the house.


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