Wednesday, June 16, 2010

May was full of fun!

Evan kicked off May with a well-needed hair cut. We had been seeing a barber in Green since Evan was a year old, but for some reason his shop was closed around the time Evan was in dire need of a trim, so I ended up going to another local barber shop. I actually liked these guys better and they charge only $8 instead of the $11 we were paying at the other shop. Evan sat completely still and quiet the entire time, watching the utility trucks drive by the front window. The hair cut turned out exactly as I had imagined and it seemed Evan had an extra perk in his step that afternoon. He must have felt a lot better not having that mop on his head anymore. So we have a new barber!

On May 29th we went to "A Day Out with Thomas" on the Cuyahoga Valley railroad with Evan's cousins Laura and Allison, my brother, Randy, and my sister-in-law, Pauline. For many years I drove past the depot on Riverview Road on my way to and from work and noticed the train and various tents in the parking lot of the Boston Mills ski resort, but I never realized just how many activities they had for the kids. There was tons to do and see; full size model railroads, LEGO activity area, storytelling, temporary tattoos, inflatable jump house, a magician and much more. Evan had a great time the entire time, even though it was getting very warm and uncomfortable in the later morning hours. We witnessed many children in the midst of lunch-time melt-downs and decided to go home before our tots became victims of the same demise! The only thing that wasn't as entertaining as I thought it would be was the train ride itself. It was kinda cramped, much like being on a plane, and there was nothing for the kids to do but sit (TRY to sit) and watch out the windows. But, overall, it was a fun experience and we'd consider going again next year.

We finally worked on our landscaping, or lack thereof. Many trips to the local Home Depot, Donzell's Garden Center and 6 yards of topsoil later, this is what we have so far. We are planning on planting more shrubs between the ones we already have, we just haven't decided what we want. I also want a jungle of hostas and red daylilies in front of them, along with the tulips we already have. We have a lilac bush on either side of the house, too... can't wait for next spring to smell them in bloom!

We also had the chance to go swimming in my parent's pool earlier than expected. The pool temp was up to 92° by the last week of May, which is PERFECT in my eyes. Evan LOVED being in the pool, more so than last year. He laughed and screamed with delight when Joel put him on his belly to "swim". He also loved the Little Tikes version of a floaty... their trademark peddle car. He stayed in it most of the time we were in the water. We can't wait to take him swimming again, as soon as the weather decides to be cooperative!


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