Wednesday, September 15, 2010

June 2010

The kick-off of summer started with a trip to the Akron Zoo, which wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I've always had a hang-up about zoos and stayed away from them for many years, but I figured we'd try it for Evan's sake. First off, a lot of the animals weren't in their habitats and the park, in general, was pretty dirty. It was a fun experience overall... Evan loved the bears! Evan also liked the rock climbing wall... trying to be like the big kids, he attempted to climb, but spent most of the time running around watching the other kids.

We also had many more opportunities to swim in my parents' pool.
Nathan and Alycia spent a lot of time jumping and diving, and of course Evan was inspired to do the same. Joel had his arms out, encouraging Evan to jump... but he would run to the edge of the pool and stop, then reach for Joel... not ready to jump just yet! Maybe next year.


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